Links of Interest

Links to places of interest  – THE LEADING SOURCE FOR PROS & CONS OF CONTROVERSIAL ISSUES – Kialo cuts through the noise typically associated with social and online media, making it easy to engage in focused discussion.

Books of Interest

Van Jones: Beyond the Messy Truth: How We Came Apart, How We Come Together

Dan Rather: What Unites Us: Reflections on Patriotism


Musician Daryl Davis has an unusual hobby. He’s played all over the world with legends like Chuck Berry and Little Richard, but it’s what Daryl does in his free time that sets him apart. In an effort to find out how anyone can “hate me without knowing me,” he takes an interesting line of research. Daryl likes to meet and befriend members of the Ku Klux Klan – something few black men can say. In his travels, he’s collected robes and other artifacts from friends who have left the Klan, building a collection piece by piece, story by story, and person by person in hopes of eventually opening a “Museum of the Klan” – a testimony to what knowledge and respectful, personal communication can accomplish. In Accidental Courtesy, Daryl’s journey takes him across the country, from DC to California, Arkansas, Tennessee, Missouri and Alabama, from old friends who have left the Klan, to friends still active in the organization, including a current Imperial Wizard of the KKK. In an age of digital disconnection, Daryl’s method is rooted in personal interaction and we as viewers reap the rewards.

His Documentary Accidential Courtesy on Amazon

and Netflix