Why I’m choosing to vote against Trump in 2020

Why I’m choosing to vote against Trump in 2020 despite the improved economy.

Inauguration Day 1/20/2017
Gas $2.09
Dow 19,819
NASDAQ 5560.7
Unemployment 4.7%

As of election day 2020
Gas 2.12
Dow 27,480.03
NASDAQ 11,160.57
Unemployment 7.9 as of latest release

This is by no means comprehensive but a quick listing of reasons why I’m nonvoting for Trump in 2020.  A question I ask are you voting for the least of these or for those doing fine to keep doing fine?

Has Trump done some good things? Yes, Trump has done some good things, he passed some bills that have done good. I’ve seen many Christians saying God uses imperfect people and God is using Trump. Ironically I never see the same people saying God can use Biden or any Democrat for that matter. It seems God is only able to use perfect or imperfect Republicans. A rather selective God it seems.

Of course, those on the left say to amplify Black voices but it seems to ignore black voices that don’t say what they should say. I’ve heard many black voices who support Trump and apparently those need to be ignored.

I have not been surprised by who likes Trump but been surprised more so by people who don’t support Trump or crossed over from Obama to Trump. Life long Christian and Republican finds a way to support Republican candidate despite some reservations isn’t a huge leap. A person who doesn’t like Trump but has never voted Democrat “researches” and decides to vote for Trump. Yeah, that isn’t a wild conclusion. All these Trump parades, a group of motorcyclists have a Trump parade or redneck yacht club goes boating for Trump. Well, this isn’t anything earth-shattering. Forget Biden, any random fictional Democrat, call him Bob Coolguy, I don’t think these lifelong Republicans would be doing parades for anyone that is Democrat. Can you envision a mile long parade of motorcycles, big trucks all decked out for a Democrat?

The real shockers in 2016 and 2020 to me have been the amount of Democrats who have become fierce supporters of Trump, people who have never liked Republicans who are on the Trump train. I would say most of the people of color I come in contact with are actually Trump supporters while upper middle-class white people despise him. I’ve been amazed at how many life long Republicans are voting for Biden just this one time to get Trump out but will likely resume voting Republican after the election. 2016-2020 is changing the political dynamics for certain. I can attest that I will vote straight ticket Dem until we can get back to some sense or normalcy.

Fake News travels 6x faster than real news. People go PhD level searching for anything they can have fake outrage for the opponent while going to great lengths to ignore any flaws in their own or simply saying Fake News to get out of legitimate debate. I’ve given up fact checking, Trump supporters almost exclusively share Fake News, I’m shocked when something isn’t a conspiracy theory. Yes liberal media is a real bias and I would agree, the attempts to accept as fact if it makes Trump look good and label everything else as Fake News is just mind-blowing. Q Anon and Coronavirus conspiracy theories were only embraced by the most harden Trump supporters.

Trump has shown himself to be a narcist, someone who only cares about enriching himself while lying to the American people. We all know if Trump win’s the numbers are good, if Trump loses, than that number is of course all fraud. His election committee in 2016 could find no proof of election fraud especially the three million popular vote votes that Clinton won.

Money Perspective
China is one of only three foreign nations — the others are Britain and Ireland — where President Trump maintains a bank account. He has been pursuing projects there for years and only got Anti-China when these projects fell through. He has paid more in taxes to China than to America.

A quick FYI for all those planning to make $400,000+ in 2022, the tax increase would apply to your $400,001st dollar and above.

During his campaign in 2016, President Trump promised to eliminate the national debt in eight years. Under Trump’s Administration, America’s National Debt Has Increased by Nearly $7 Trillion. When he took the presidential oath, the national debt stood at about $19.95 trillion. As of election day 2020, the national debt is 27,207,527,500,5510. Republicans have long been critical of big government spending by Democrats but when they are in power they spend just as much if not more but for their pet projects like the military. Everyone complains about how big the slices are but no one wants to cut their slice.

Trump Pays $2 Million to 8 Charities for Misuse of Foundation, he used the money at his own golf places.

He pays little in taxes because of his high debt, something Dave Ramsey would not approve. To be rich, if he had no debt but had millions in money than he would be rich but as far we know he is not rich at all due to the debt. Who does he owe the money too?
Trump could release his tax returns to proof those crazy liberals are wrong but he has been under audit since 2015, every single year apparently. Biden has released 22 years of tax returns and yet Biden is considered corrupt while Trump just says he is rich and his supporters, like sheep, follow everything he says.

Christian Perspective

Trump is my President not my savior. Trump is not a Christian.

After about 5 years of Christians leaving their minds and bible’s at the door to support everything Trump says and does I have lost most of my faith in American Christianity. Had Christians who taught me about helping the least of these and praying for those that struggle and being a good person had also stood up against Trump and Democrats if you want because of abortion I can respect that. I respect those that vote party who say Trump doesn’t match with my Christian beliefs, I fully respect that. Those that make excuse, and defend every non-Christian ideal that Trump says or does have shown me they serve a different master. They serve power and pride of being number 1 and not of the Christ they taught me. Years later I’m ashamed that I was a Christian, it has been stained by political poison.

Sure you want to be against the gays and the abortion. Ok, why is it ok, to ignore people after they are born? Pro-life and Pro-birth are two different things. 

She’s Evangelical, ‘Pro-Life’ and Voting for Biden. Billy Graham’s granddaughter says, “This president doesn’t represent our faith.” Christianity Today even said Trump Should Be Removed from Office (http://www.christianitytoday.com/ct/2019/december-web-only/trump-should-be-removed-from-office.html) But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control, Trump shows none of those, spend a day reading his insults on Trump and you can’t actually say Trump shows maturity of any Christian fruit.

Matthew 4:8 the devil took him to a very high mountain and showed him all the kingdoms of the world and their splendor. 9 “All this I will give you,” he said, “if you will bow down and worship me.” I saw billboard that said Follow God, buy Guns and Vote Trump. This billboard captures just how far we have lost our minds. American Christianity now worships the power of the American kingdom.

We are #1, God is for the winning team. American Christianity becoming so interwoven in right wing politics can’t fathom a God in heaven who is dark skin, speaks “middle eastern”. The Christianity in America’s is not the savings of once was, it is the polluting and mixing of messages that perverts the Gospel of which speaks against the rich, how to care for the less than, the poor the marginalized while at the same time saying if you are illegal then you get no health care, no help at all. Trump is the most single reason I see for the downfall of American Christianity. It has lost its way and having watched people I grew up respecting go to great lengths to defend Trump. I love Trump because he says what is on his mind then spend lots of time trying to explain why what Trump said isn’t what he means. I have lost my respect for those in Christianity. If you can be so delusional about a President before us, how can I take anything serious about your thoughts about a guy 2,000 years ago. There are small pockets of Christians who don’t support Trump and they remind me of Matthew 7:21

21 “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ 23 Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’

The Narrow and Wide Gates
13 “Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. 14 But small is the gate and narrow the road that leads to life, and only a few find it.

True and False Prophets
15 “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. 16 By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? 17 Likewise, every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. 18 A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. 19 Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. 20 Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.
Trump has showed his fruit and yet many of white American Christianity turns their worship to him, they defend his every action and word while they have turned their backs on the real Christ would came for the least of these.

Foreign Policy
“The world is laughing at us,” he said in May 2016. “They’re laughing at us, at our stupidity,” he said of Mexico in his campaign launch speech. He used the phrase “laughing at us” more than 50 times between 2011 and his election as president. Trump, the argument went, was going to make it stop.

He himself has turned America into a joke.

On 12/4/2019 the leaders of Canada, France, Holland and the United Kingdom seemed to be recounting Trump’s lengthy — and occasionally wild — interactions with reporters earlier in the day.Even more, world leaders appeared to join in mocking Trump in 2018 during his speech at the United Nations. Trump made one of his characteristically hyperbolic claims about his achievements as president — “In less than two years, my administration has accomplished more than almost any administration in the history of our country” — and drew audible laughter. Trump, apparently taken aback, responded, “Didn’t expect that reaction, but that’s okay.”

Trump sides with Russia against FBI at Helsinki summit. (http://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-44852812)

We risk losing our allies and we have buttered up to Russia and North Korea. Trump repeatedly demands that Russia be back in the G8. Since when is America fighting on the behalf of Russia? 

“I’m going to be working for you. I’m not going to have time to go play golf.” –Donald J. Trump, August, 2016

TRUMP GOLF COUNT: 283 as of October 16th, 2020. Cost to Taxpayer: About $142 million dollars, dollars that go to a business that he refuses to divest himself of. In contrast, Obama played 98 rounds of golf through this point in his presidency, and yet was called vacationer – in – chief. Trump, conversely, has been at a golf club once every 4.92 days so far. In addition to the promotional value of these trips by a president, Trump’s company has generated hundreds of thousands in revenue from charges to the Secret Service, according to Washington Post reporting.

Trump’s Steven Mnuchin has refused to share all the data about the cost of Trump’s visits to his properties. How this is not seen as major corruption as Trump is making lots of money, much more than he is giving away, and yet is seen as a charitable guy.

Trump Golf Count Cost Breakdown:
Days Trump has spent at Mar a Lago: 127
Cost of flights to Mar a Lago (30 so far):* ~$59,110,000
Days Trump has spent at Bedminster: 86
Cost of flights to Bedminster (27 so far):* ~$23,515,500
Trump has visited his clubs once every this many days since his inauguration: 4.9
Projected visits to golf clubs in four years: 297
Projected visits in eight years:593
Total times Obama played golf during his eight year Presidency: 306
Trump’s company has received at least $970,000 from tax payer money for room rentals at his properties. New Report Shows Taxpayers Foot the Bill for President Trump’s $1 Million Weekend Golf Trip to His Resort in Scotland



He gives away his salary while gaining much more by having tax payers pay for his trips to his own properties. If he didn’t charge the government for use of his own properties than maybe this would be different.

* Security costs to local governments in Florida and New Jersey, budgeted at $6.4 million per year, are reimbursed by the Federal government, and are included in the Trump Golf Count total on a prorated basis.

The High Turn Over Rate
If he was such a good deal maker as he claims then why does everything he touches seem to die. The people who are close to him careers are ruined. He says he chooses the best people but they often turn against him. 

Trump: I’ll choose the best people for my administration. As of now 91% turn over as of 10-7-20 of the most influential positions with the executive office with 10 Cabinet positions being turned over.

As of May 25, 2020, there have been 415 unique names dismissed and/or resigned. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Trump_administration_dismissals_and_resignations)
Many people who knew him well have spoken out against him and have written books. If just one person on a blog says something about Biden or a Democrat it is believed to be fact but every single person who has left and said similar things about Trump is all “fake news”?

The vast number of people warning us about Trump can’t be ignored especially when they are people he appointed in the first place. The amount of people crossing party lines to endorse Biden like Cindy McCain, John Kasich, Colin Powell, nearly 500 generals, admirals to endorse Joe Biden speaks volumes.

Trump has encouraged conspiracy theories, fake news is anything that isn’t positive about Trump. While the media plays a huge role in dividing us. Trump so rarely tells the truth that how can you believe anything that he says.
No previous President endorses Trump even Ronald Reagan’s son doesn’t support Trump.